- To effectively administer the applicable sections of the Wisconsin Statutes and chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code in regard to the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway, henceforth, the “Riverway”;
- To inform and/or advise municipalities which have land located outside the Riverway regarding the impact development of the land may have one the Riverway;
- To advise, recommend or encourage cities or villages which have land adjacent to the Riverway to adopt ordinances or other rules or regulations which will preserve the scenic value of the land;
- To coordinate administration of the aesthetic protection regulations within the shoreland zoned areas under the jurisdiction of the respective counties;
- To report to the Legislature on the effectiveness of the performance standards, procedures, prohibitions and other regulations governing activities within the Riverway as detailed in the Wisconsin Statutes and the Wisconsin Administrative Code;
- To advise the Department of Natural Resources on conflicts between recreational use in the Riverway and the applicable sections of the Wisconsin Statutes regarding the Riverway;
- To coordinate the property management objectives of the Department of Natural Resources within the Riverway with the aesthetic protection objectives of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board;
- To monitor performance standard compliance in cooperation with county and state jurisdiction;
- To coordinate highway projects under the direction or supervision of the Department of Transportation with the aesthetic protection objectives of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board;
- To advise and/or assist landowners within the Riverway in regard to compliance with the Riverway rules and regulations for development or use of land;
- To establish and implement, on a continuing basis, and education and information program for landowners, local residents and the general public regarding the intent of the Riverway designation by the Legislature and the mission, goals and objectives of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board;
- To assist local municipalities in efforts to preserve sites of historical or geological interest which contribute to the character of the Riverway;
- To assist local municipalities in economic development efforts which are consistent with protection and preservation of the scenic quality and natural character of the Riverway;
- To retain status as an independent state agency while maintaining a cooperative relationship with the Legislature, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Transportation, other affected state agencies, and local units of government; and,
- To provide technical assistance and information, as requested, regarding the experience of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board in administering the regulatory system for the Riverway as detailed in the Wisconsin Statutes and the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

 Last Modified: 1/4/2005 11:07:39 AM